Bridging the Gap

The sole Online community connecting the professionals
involved in AI integration with Healthcare


We’re thrilled to welcome you to our vibrant community, where innovation meets collaboration, and connections flourish. As you embark on your journey with us, we’re excited to introduce you to a plethora of features designed to enhance your experience and facilitate meaningful engagement. These are the major community features one can find when they join our community and groups.

  • User Personal page

    Personal page of each user that gives an overview of the activity of the user in the community.

  • Group Page

    Group page of each group that shows the activity, members and discussion that is happening in the group, which can be public or private.

  • Forum Discussions

    Stay up-to-date with the feeds from your groups joined and the feeds from the members you are connected with.

  • Network Search

    Search for the discussion or information through the network. Also search for the person whom you are looking for in this network

  • Private Messaging

    Messages to all your group members in a group or have a 1-1 conversation with among members

  • Member Connections

    Connect with people from other groups to create your professional network to create innovative ideas


Here you see the user roles that this community has now. These roles might change or get updated as it grow. As we continue to grow and evolve as a community dedicated to the advancement of artificial intelligence in healthcare (AIHC), it’s crucial to understand the diverse roles each of us plays. Our community thrives on collaboration, knowledge exchange, and collective expertise. click to Learn More overview of the various user roles within our community

Basic User

Users have basic access to the public group in the community. Will have their profile page with all the features given by the community. Find all your conversations and updated feeds right on your profile page

Hospital Admin

The decision makers in the hospital eg: Head of the Department, Clinical head or chief, etc…

Company team

People working in any company in any role or department related in AI implementation


Research workers involved in AI implementation

Data Scientist

Data scientists or Engg. engaged in AI development or building.

Medical Physicist

People are involved in the implementation and service of medical equipment in any hospital. For example in the radiology department physicists involved in CT, MR, and USG machines

Community Group types

Our community has various group types here are the basic group types that the community has now. These group types are expected to grow in the future. We’re excited to introduce a variety of community groups tailored to your interests and expertise within the realm of artificial intelligence in healthcare (AIHC). These groups serve as specialized hubs where you can engage in discussions, share insights, and collaborate with like-minded individuals to drive innovation and progress in our field. Click each group type if you want to know more.

Community Forums

Our community has discussion forums, the primary intention of the community. Click if you want to know more about it. As we continue to grow and evolve as a community dedicated to [Community forum], we’re thrilled to introduce our community forum—a vibrant hub for discussions, collaboration, and knowledge exchange.

Discussion FORUMS